Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan, who is currently busy shooting for Tamil thriller "Papanasam", has crooned a song for the upcoming movie, "Avam". The track – Kaarirulae - composed by KS Sundaramurthy, is a soulful rock number with lyrics by Madhan Karky. The song will appear during a pivotal scene in the film, and director Vilvakrish declared that Kamal’s haunting vocals combined with the rock elements of the track would make for a ‘brilliant sound experience’.
"Had a super recording session with Kamal sir. A song for #Avam directed by Vijaykumar & music by Sundaramurthy. An unforgettable experience to watch and hear Kamal sir breathe life into my lyrics (sic)," Madhan tweeted Saturday.
"Kamal sir's voice for #Kaarirulae, a song on a guilt feeling, will be the highlight of #Avam (sic)," he said.
"Had a super recording session with Kamal sir. A song for #Avam directed by Vijaykumar & music by Sundaramurthy. An unforgettable experience to watch and hear Kamal sir breathe life into my lyrics (sic)," Madhan tweeted Saturday.
"Kamal sir's voice for #Kaarirulae, a song on a guilt feeling, will be the highlight of #Avam (sic)," he said.