SS Rajamouli's much-awaited film, 'Baahubali' has been making news since its inception. The film starring Prabhas, Anushka, Rana Daggubati and Tamannah Bhatia has finished the shooting and the post production is on at a fast pace. Now the latest news is that Rajamouli has released the first look poster of the movie short while ago. Rajamouli took to Twitter to reveal the first look poster for the film in Telugu and Tamil. The released poster has a hand coming out of the sea, holding a crying baby in the palm.
'Baahubali' also features Ramya Krishna, Nasser, Sathya Raj,Adivi Sesh, Subbaraju in prominent roles. As per sources, Prabhas plays the title role and Rana will be seen playing the negative role in this movie. The trailer of Baahubali – The Beginning will be released on May 31st. MM Keeravani is composing tunes and the audio of this movie is likely to be launched in the second week of June. The movie produced by Prasad Devineni and Shobu Yarlagadda and under Arka Media Works banner is slated for the release on July 10th, 2015 worldwide in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi simultaneously.
'Baahubali' also features Ramya Krishna, Nasser, Sathya Raj,Adivi Sesh, Subbaraju in prominent roles. As per sources, Prabhas plays the title role and Rana will be seen playing the negative role in this movie. The trailer of Baahubali – The Beginning will be released on May 31st. MM Keeravani is composing tunes and the audio of this movie is likely to be launched in the second week of June. The movie produced by Prasad Devineni and Shobu Yarlagadda and under Arka Media Works banner is slated for the release on July 10th, 2015 worldwide in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi simultaneously.