Bollywood Serial Kisser Emraan Hashmi has injured his wrist during the shooting of his upcoming biopic on former Indian cricketer Mohammad Azharuddin. It is learnt that Emraan had been working extensively for the movie, attending several intense training sessions. During one such practice sessions, Emraan pulled a muscle and carried on to practice despite having painful swelling on his wrists. In severe pain, doctors advised Emraan to go for a break of at least three to four days.
According to Anthony D'Souza, since Azharuddin is known for being a wristy player, Emraan too had been playing only with his wrists. In fact, Emraan used to hit nearly 300 to 400 balls a day as he wanted to look authentic and match Azharuddin's style.
The biopic starring Emraan Hashmi has already been delayed for various reasons. Last year the film was postponed because of the bad health of the actor's son. Now, that Emraan's injury has affected the film. The biopic features Prachi Desai as Azhar’s first wife Naureen.
According to Anthony D'Souza, since Azharuddin is known for being a wristy player, Emraan too had been playing only with his wrists. In fact, Emraan used to hit nearly 300 to 400 balls a day as he wanted to look authentic and match Azharuddin's style.
The biopic starring Emraan Hashmi has already been delayed for various reasons. Last year the film was postponed because of the bad health of the actor's son. Now, that Emraan's injury has affected the film. The biopic features Prachi Desai as Azhar’s first wife Naureen.