Siddharth Malhotra, Fawad Khan, Alia Bhatt and Rishi Kapoor starring Kapoor & Sons shooting is going on in brisk pace. Shakun Batra of 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu' is directing the movie and Karan Johar is the producer. Now the latest news is that the first look of Kapoor & Sons will release in early January 2016.
Rishi Kapoor who is quite active on Twitter revealed the news in his latest tweet. Rishi wrote "Quite gung-ho about "Kapoor&Sons". Watch for the first look early January,hopefully! I am diametrically diffrent !
Fawad Khan and Sidharth Malhotra are also going to play writers in the film. Their characters will fight with each other to prove who is better and Rishi Kapoor will be playing grandfather to warring brothers. Buzz is that Rishi will be seen in an altogether new avatar in the family drama.
The movie is scheduled for release on 18th March 2016.
Rishi Kapoor who is quite active on Twitter revealed the news in his latest tweet. Rishi wrote "Quite gung-ho about "Kapoor&Sons". Watch for the first look early January,hopefully! I am diametrically diffrent !
Fawad Khan and Sidharth Malhotra are also going to play writers in the film. Their characters will fight with each other to prove who is better and Rishi Kapoor will be playing grandfather to warring brothers. Buzz is that Rishi will be seen in an altogether new avatar in the family drama.
The movie is scheduled for release on 18th March 2016.