Veteran actress and BJP MP from Mathura Hema Malini was discharged from Fortis hospital on Saturday at 9.30 am. The 66-year-old actress-turned politician sustained injuries when her Mercedes car collided with another vehicle on National Highway 11 near Dausa on Thursday night. Hema undergone a surgery for her wounds at the hospital yesterday. She was also treated for a minor fracture on her nose.
“She was discharged from the hospital at around 9.30 a.m.,” said Prateem Tamboli, facility director of Fortis Escorts Hospital.
A four-year-old girl was killed while five others were injured including the actress in the accident. Mahesh Chand Thakur, who was driving Hema’s car when it met with the accident, has been arrested at Kotwali Thana in Dausa. An FIR was lodged against the driver, who hails from Vrindavan, under various sections of IPC including 279 (rash driving) and 304 (A) (causing death by negligence not amounting to culpable homicide). Thakaur was on Friday produced before Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Pallavi Sharma who granted bail to the driver.
“She was discharged from the hospital at around 9.30 a.m.,” said Prateem Tamboli, facility director of Fortis Escorts Hospital.
A four-year-old girl was killed while five others were injured including the actress in the accident. Mahesh Chand Thakur, who was driving Hema’s car when it met with the accident, has been arrested at Kotwali Thana in Dausa. An FIR was lodged against the driver, who hails from Vrindavan, under various sections of IPC including 279 (rash driving) and 304 (A) (causing death by negligence not amounting to culpable homicide). Thakaur was on Friday produced before Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Pallavi Sharma who granted bail to the driver.