The first look poster of Shahid Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's upcoming romantic comedy "Shaandaar" was released on Wednesday. Alia Bhatt shared the poster of the movie and wrote “AND we are up!!!!This Dussehra make it SHAANDAAR !! @shahidkapoor #ShaandaarFirstLook #SHAANDAARonDUSSEHRA .”
Shahid Kapoor posted: “And the Shaandaar journey begins….#Shaandaarfirstlook .”
The first look features Shahid, looking smart in a leather jacket and a beard, while holding the quirkily dressed Alia, who is seen planting a kiss on her co-star's cheek.
Shahid and Alia are pairing together for the first time and the movie features Pankaj Kapur, Sanjay Kapoor, Karan Johar, Shahid’s sister Sanah in pivotal roles. The film is directed by Vikas Bahl of 'Queen' fame and is co-produced by Dharma Productions along with Phantom Films. Shaandaar tells the story of two insomniacs who fall in love at a destination wedding. The film's official trailer will be out on August 11th.
Shahid Kapoor posted: “And the Shaandaar journey begins….#Shaandaarfirstlook .”
The first look features Shahid, looking smart in a leather jacket and a beard, while holding the quirkily dressed Alia, who is seen planting a kiss on her co-star's cheek.
Shahid and Alia are pairing together for the first time and the movie features Pankaj Kapur, Sanjay Kapoor, Karan Johar, Shahid’s sister Sanah in pivotal roles. The film is directed by Vikas Bahl of 'Queen' fame and is co-produced by Dharma Productions along with Phantom Films. Shaandaar tells the story of two insomniacs who fall in love at a destination wedding. The film's official trailer will be out on August 11th.