Director Vijay Kumar Konda who has proved his mettle is most sought after director at the moment following 'Oka Laila Kosam' success. Vijay Kumar Konda has proved his mettle as a director with his debut film Gunde Jaari Gallantayyinde itself. If the latest buzz is to be believed, Vijay is all set to direct Allu Arjun for his next film.
“Arjun and I recently met and discussed a story, which he really liked. Although he has expressed his interest to work in it, nothing has been made official yet. It will still take a while for the project to materialise,” Konda told.
Arjun is currently busy shooting for yet-untitled Telugu film with Trivikram Srinivas. This is the second time they’ve collaborated after “Julayi”.
Meanwhile, Vijay will give his script some final touches.