Actor Jai, who is currenlty busy shooting with films like Valiyavan and Pugazh is said to have given his nod to do a cameo in Pandiraj's upcoming film "Idhu Namma Aalu". Simbu, Nayantara and Andrea Jeremiah are playing lead roles in INA. Soori and Santhanam prodving comic relief. Jai will be seen in a cameo role in Simbu's 'Vaalu'. Interestingly, both STR and Jai have played the lead roles in Vettai Mannan which is still lying in the cans since 3 years.
'Idhu Namma Aalu' will see Nayantha
ra pairing up with Simbu after seven years and the expectations are sky rocketing. Simbu plays an IT professional in the flash back and Andrea will be his teenage love. Simbu's brother Kuralarasan is debuting as music director with Simbu Cine Arts producing Idhu Namma Aalu. Balasubramaniem is handling the camera.
'Idhu Namma Aalu' will see Nayantha
ra pairing up with Simbu after seven years and the expectations are sky rocketing. Simbu plays an IT professional in the flash back and Andrea will be his teenage love. Simbu's brother Kuralarasan is debuting as music director with Simbu Cine Arts producing Idhu Namma Aalu. Balasubramaniem is handling the camera.