Actor Mahesh Babu and Tamanna featured 'Aagadu' has got released Yesterday(19th September) and received mixed review from the critics. Many celebrities from Tollywood Industry has watched this film and tweeted giving best wishes to Aagadu Unit. Controversial Director Ram Gopal Varma has watched the film,’Aagadu’, and has made some comments on the film.
“Just watched Aagadu and now going to watch Dhookudu, Business Man and Pokiri and I sincerely think Mahesh also should do the same”, He continued the tweet “Am told Aagadu is a 75 crores film and in sheer comparison Magadheera looks like a 750 crores Film”. In order to give more clarification he again tweeted “My comparison between “Aagadu” and “Magadheera” is mainly because they both are the most expensive films in their own individual times”.
These tweets clearly explain that RGV got very irritated after watching Aagadu movie and he busted out through his tweets.
“Just watched Aagadu and now going to watch Dhookudu, Business Man and Pokiri and I sincerely think Mahesh also should do the same”, He continued the tweet “Am told Aagadu is a 75 crores film and in sheer comparison Magadheera looks like a 750 crores Film”. In order to give more clarification he again tweeted “My comparison between “Aagadu” and “Magadheera” is mainly because they both are the most expensive films in their own individual times”.
These tweets clearly explain that RGV got very irritated after watching Aagadu movie and he busted out through his tweets.
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