Bollywood Actress and former beauty queen Dia Mirza tied the knot to her long time beau and business partner Sahil Sangha on October 18th. The couple opted for an intimate Arya Samaj wedding. The wedding ceremony took place at a farmhouse in Ghitorni New Delhi. Sushmita Sen, Mahesh Bhupati, Lara Dutta, Rajkumar Hirani, Zayed Khan, Sophie Choudry and Cyrus Sahukar graced the event and congratulated the couple.
Dia Mirza wore a Ritu Kumar beige and green sharara while her better half sported a Raghavendra Rathore cream silk linen brocade achkan with an offwhite safa.
"Since, I am not getting married in Hyderabad and being a Hyderabadi I chose this outfit to add some Hyderabadi flavour to my wedding. I feel like a typical Hyderabadi bride," she said.
The newly-married couple have no honeymoon plans as of now and are planning to get back into work soon.
"We will celebrate Diwali with family in Delhi. We will go for honeymoon by the end of this year. We will currently head back to work," said Sahil.
Dia Mirza wore a Ritu Kumar beige and green sharara while her better half sported a Raghavendra Rathore cream silk linen brocade achkan with an offwhite safa.
"Since, I am not getting married in Hyderabad and being a Hyderabadi I chose this outfit to add some Hyderabadi flavour to my wedding. I feel like a typical Hyderabadi bride," she said.
The newly-married couple have no honeymoon plans as of now and are planning to get back into work soon.
"We will celebrate Diwali with family in Delhi. We will go for honeymoon by the end of this year. We will currently head back to work," said Sahil.
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