Priyanka Chopra's first cousin Barbie Handa who is making her bollywood debut with Anubhav Sinha's upcoming erotic psychological thriller "Zid" shed her inhibitions for the first look poster of the movie. The poster of the movie 'Zid' portrays the debutante Mannara posing topless among hanging knives and the posters drew nation's attention.
Barbie Handa who rechristened herself as Mannara defends her bold move. She says, "We are in 2014 and I can't be in a ghoonghat. If I wanted to be all covered, I'd do a saas-bahu serial. I have a hot body and I don't mind showing it."
Mannara has given a call to her sister Priyanka Chopra before the topless shoot and the senior heroine encouraged her to go ahead apart from asking her to make sure it was done aesthetically.
Karanvir Sharma is playing male lead in "Zid" which is being directed by Vivek Agnihotri of 'Hate Story' fame. The film hits theatres on November 28.
Barbie Handa who rechristened herself as Mannara defends her bold move. She says, "We are in 2014 and I can't be in a ghoonghat. If I wanted to be all covered, I'd do a saas-bahu serial. I have a hot body and I don't mind showing it."
Mannara has given a call to her sister Priyanka Chopra before the topless shoot and the senior heroine encouraged her to go ahead apart from asking her to make sure it was done aesthetically.
Karanvir Sharma is playing male lead in "Zid" which is being directed by Vivek Agnihotri of 'Hate Story' fame. The film hits theatres on November 28.
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