Bollywood Actor Aditya Pancholi's son Sooraj Pancholi is making his Bollywood debut with the remake of Subhash Ghai's directed 1983 film "HERO". Suniel Shetty’s daughter Athiya Shetty has been roped to play female lead opposite Sooraj in the remake. Directed by Nikhil Advani and Produced by Salman Khan "Hero" is out with the first look. The first look shows Sooraj's transformation from a chocolate boy to a macho man.
Sooraj has worked hard for his debut film and made his body super fit for his character in the film. The first picture is out and by looking at it we can sure say that Sooraj wants to move ahead in career. The movie also features Govinda and Vinod Khanna and apart from donning the producer's hat, Salman may make a special appearance.
The movie is scheduled to hit the screens on December 12.
Sooraj has worked hard for his debut film and made his body super fit for his character in the film. The first picture is out and by looking at it we can sure say that Sooraj wants to move ahead in career. The movie also features Govinda and Vinod Khanna and apart from donning the producer's hat, Salman may make a special appearance.
The movie is scheduled to hit the screens on December 12.
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