Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan who was last seen in the hit film "Happy New Year" did an unpredicted cameo in his father's upcoming movie 'Shamitabh.' According to a member of the film unit, when Big B was shooting at Mumbai airport, Abhishek dropped in the sets, who just landed from London. Director R. Balki who saw the Junior Bachchan sitting on a chair, asked his cameraman to capture Abhishek too and later the director informed the 'Guru' actor that he was caught on camera.
Balki clarified that Abhishek's has no role or dialogue in the film and his appearance is just unplanned, not at all part of the script. 'Shamitabh' features Amitabh Bachchan and Dhanush in the lead roles while Kamal Haasan's second daughter Akshara Haasan is making her debut with this film. The trailer has already impressed the audience and the movie will hit the screens in February.
"Shamitabh", which is releasing Feb 6, also stars veteran actress Rekha in a key role. Maestro Ilaiyaraaja provided music for 'Shamitabh' and P.C. Sreeram handled cinematography.
Balki clarified that Abhishek's has no role or dialogue in the film and his appearance is just unplanned, not at all part of the script. 'Shamitabh' features Amitabh Bachchan and Dhanush in the lead roles while Kamal Haasan's second daughter Akshara Haasan is making her debut with this film. The trailer has already impressed the audience and the movie will hit the screens in February.
"Shamitabh", which is releasing Feb 6, also stars veteran actress Rekha in a key role. Maestro Ilaiyaraaja provided music for 'Shamitabh' and P.C. Sreeram handled cinematography.
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