Mega Brother Naga Babu's son Varun Tej is teaming up with critically acclaimed director Krish for his second movie. The makers are considering the title 'Kanche' for the movie. The film which will produced by Rajeev Reddy under First Frame Entertainments Pvt.Ltd will be started on 27th of this month. According to the latest buzz former Miss India contestant Pragya Jaiswal has been roped to play female lead opposite Varun in this movie.
Pragya who is all set to make her debut in Tollywood with Mirchi Laanti Kurradu is delighted with the offer. Pragya says "I'm really excited about the opportunity and I'm looking forward to working on the project. I can't reveal more details about my role. But what I say is that it is a challenging role and an opportunity to showcase my talent,"
The makers are considering the title 'Kanche' for the movie. Varun is starring in Bangalore Days remake and is also starring under the direction of Puri Jagannath.
Pragya who is all set to make her debut in Tollywood with Mirchi Laanti Kurradu is delighted with the offer. Pragya says "I'm really excited about the opportunity and I'm looking forward to working on the project. I can't reveal more details about my role. But what I say is that it is a challenging role and an opportunity to showcase my talent,"
The makers are considering the title 'Kanche' for the movie. Varun is starring in Bangalore Days remake and is also starring under the direction of Puri Jagannath.
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