Model-turned-actor Shawar Ali who made his debut with erotic thriller Hawas, tied the knot with her girlfriend Marsela Ayesha yesterday in Mumbai. The marriage was solemnised as per their religious customs and the couple looked all vibrant in the designer outfits. It is heard that it is a love cum arranged marriage. Shawar's close friends from the industry like Zulfi Sayed, Khalid Siddiqui and director Akbar Khan were in attendance.
An excited Shawar said, "Yes it's a special day for me as Marsela and I are finally married."
He further said, “Actually there has been a death in my family and so I am not keeping the celebrations too loud. I will have a marriage function in my native place Bhopal very soon besides I would also host a party in Mumbai where I will invite the industry people.”
Shawar was seen essaying character roles in films like Asambhav, Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap, Ab..Bas, Om Shanti Om and Fareb.
Here's wishing the couple a happy married life.
An excited Shawar said, "Yes it's a special day for me as Marsela and I are finally married."
He further said, “Actually there has been a death in my family and so I am not keeping the celebrations too loud. I will have a marriage function in my native place Bhopal very soon besides I would also host a party in Mumbai where I will invite the industry people.”
Shawar was seen essaying character roles in films like Asambhav, Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap, Ab..Bas, Om Shanti Om and Fareb.
Here's wishing the couple a happy married life.
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