Bollywood actress Zareen Khan who made her screen debut with 'Veer' opposite Salman Khan is all set to make her Tollywood debut. The actress will be playing the female lead in the upcoming entertainer titled 'Jalsa Rayudu' directed by Sudheer Raju. Srikanth is playing the lead role in the movie and the actor will be seen as a casanova in the film. The movie also features Esther Noronha and Prachi Sinha in important roles.
Talking to a leading daily Sudheer Raju said, "I wanted to spring a surprise with the film's casting. I saw Zareen's earlier films and was very impressed with her acting and dance skills. She fits the bill perfectly and when we approached her for the role, she agreed to do it. However, negotiations are still on. She is yet to sign on the dotted line."
Zarine Khan who was last seen in the Hindi film 'Housefull 2' is playing the role of a princess in Tamil period film Karikalan opposite Vikram.
Talking to a leading daily Sudheer Raju said, "I wanted to spring a surprise with the film's casting. I saw Zareen's earlier films and was very impressed with her acting and dance skills. She fits the bill perfectly and when we approached her for the role, she agreed to do it. However, negotiations are still on. She is yet to sign on the dotted line."
Zarine Khan who was last seen in the Hindi film 'Housefull 2' is playing the role of a princess in Tamil period film Karikalan opposite Vikram.
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