Malayalam actress Manjima Mohan is all set to make her Tamil debut opposite Simbu h in his upcoming romantic-drama "Achcham Yenbadhu Madamaiyada' to be directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon. Initially, Gautham roped in Pallavi Subhash to play Simbu's love interest. We now hear that Manjima has replaced Pallavi Subhash, who had to leave the project due to date issues.
'Manjima Mohan was cast after Gautham was impressed with her work in the recent Malayalam hit 'Oru Vadakkan Selfie'. She's expected to join the sets soon,' a source from the film's unit told.
Having started her career as a child artist in Malayalam movies such as 'Madhuranombarakkaattu', 'Sundarapurushan' and 'Priyam', the 22-year old actress is making her Tamil debut with his project. The Telugu version of the film, which is yet-untitled and features Naga Chaitanya in the lead, is on the floors as well. Manjima may also play the lead in the Telugu version as well.
'Manjima Mohan was cast after Gautham was impressed with her work in the recent Malayalam hit 'Oru Vadakkan Selfie'. She's expected to join the sets soon,' a source from the film's unit told.
Having started her career as a child artist in Malayalam movies such as 'Madhuranombarakkaattu', 'Sundarapurushan' and 'Priyam', the 22-year old actress is making her Tamil debut with his project. The Telugu version of the film, which is yet-untitled and features Naga Chaitanya in the lead, is on the floors as well. Manjima may also play the lead in the Telugu version as well.
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