Former Indian cricketer Dinesh Mongia will be seen on the big screen soon. Dinesh Mongia is set to make his Bollywood debut with Rabinder Parashar upcoming comic caper "Kabab Me Haddi". Interestingly Mongia, who is a huge fan of Amitabh Bachchan in real life, plays a fan of the star in the film, too. The movie also has singer Daler Mehndi essaying an important role.
"Acting just happened to me by chance,"noted Mongia in a press release. "As cricketers, we are used to constantly face the camera, so acting came naturally. My character of an income tax director who is a huge fan of Mr. Bachchan made me take up the role. What else could I have asked? I grew up watching Mr. Bachchan’s films, so studying and presenting his mannerisms on screen was a big responsibility."
He adds, “Cricket is my first love and I will always be known as a cricketer, but if my audience accepts me as an actor, I will continue to do films, too.” Mongia was trained in acting for three months.
Mongia's debut movie 'Kabab Mein Haddi' is releasing on Diwali, the same day when SRK's Happy New Year is releasing.
"Acting just happened to me by chance,"noted Mongia in a press release. "As cricketers, we are used to constantly face the camera, so acting came naturally. My character of an income tax director who is a huge fan of Mr. Bachchan made me take up the role. What else could I have asked? I grew up watching Mr. Bachchan’s films, so studying and presenting his mannerisms on screen was a big responsibility."
He adds, “Cricket is my first love and I will always be known as a cricketer, but if my audience accepts me as an actor, I will continue to do films, too.” Mongia was trained in acting for three months.
Mongia's debut movie 'Kabab Mein Haddi' is releasing on Diwali, the same day when SRK's Happy New Year is releasing.
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