Here is the photo of Shah Rukh Khan's youngest son AbRam, who was born through surrogacy last year. SRK, who has shielded AbRam eversince his birth, has kept his promise made to fans a few days ago and introduced him to his legion of fans on the auspicious day of Eid al Adha. During late night Monday, the 48-year-old tweeted a photograph in which his son is dressed in white and is seen playing with toys. The doting dad is seen kissing the "littlest one".
“Eid Al Adha Mubarak to everyone. May all have the happiness that life has to offer. The littlest one wishes you too," Shah Rukh captioned the picture.
AbRam was born prematurely by several months. Shah Rukh Khan’s teenage children Aryan and Suhana are regularly seen with him and their mom Gauri at many events.
“Eid Al Adha Mubarak to everyone. May all have the happiness that life has to offer. The littlest one wishes you too," Shah Rukh captioned the picture.
AbRam was born prematurely by several months. Shah Rukh Khan’s teenage children Aryan and Suhana are regularly seen with him and their mom Gauri at many events.
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